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An initiative of the Costa Rican Institute of Tourism (Instituto Costarricense de turismo/ICT) , which possess global recognition. It attempts to categorize and certify businesses, who focus on tourism, in accord to the degree of proximity that the business has with a sustainable model. They are evaluated with a scale from 0 to 5 and each number indicates the sustainable position that the business has reached; the points taken into consideration when evaluating a business are the following: interaction between nature and the business, offers a competitively viable product in accord to the tendency of the market and the proper characteristics of the zone, invitation towards the consumers so they can be part of the sustainability of the business, and the positive impact created in communities that are nearby. Don Juan Tours Monteverde was certified for the first time in December 2016, reaching level 3. The logo of CST assures you as a costumer that you’re selecting a business that with all its actions, it prevents negative impacts in the environments, Costa Rican culture and in society.

  • Stop Animal Selfies
    Stop Animal Selfies

    #stopanimalselfies es una campaña impulsada por el Gobierno de Costa Rica en colaboración con organizaciones de la sociedad civil y empresas turísticas para generar conciencia acerca de los impactos negativos de los selfies y fotografías que muestran contacto directo con animales silvestres; busca reducir estas conductas crueles y alertar de los posibles riesgos que implican STOP ANIMAL SELFIES

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  • Sustainable tourism
    Sustainable tourism

    It is a recognition of the excellent management of companies and organizations that actively work to mitigate the impacts resulting from their operation. The certification promotes the strengthening of social, cultural, environmental, economic and development work in tourist destinations.

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